Having coffee in unusual places and spaces:


Today, I enjoyed my first cup of coffee in Placa de La Flan in Terragona, Spain. It was the first morning of my weekend long, alone trip. It was in that moment that I realized I had not told any single person in the entire world where I was, while even the people I know in Spain were unfamiliar with the city. It was the epitome of big world, small girl. In this completely liberating yet independent moment, I was able to truly realize the joy in pressing into the discomfort in life.  

Yesterday morning, I went to a completely new area of the city and met a girl from Colombia. It was in that moment that I also realized everything both of us individually deemed as familiar or comfortable was incredibly bizarre to the other. That is totally, the joy of the unknown. Out of of the perspective shifting, simple moments in this life, that was one of my favorites.  

Last Saturday, I got coffee with a sweet girl from Iran! She explained to me the realities of social inequities and cultural differences between our countries of origin. It was in that moment, over a simple cappuccino that I realized just how close-minded even an open-minded, curious, and educated person from a progressive area can be. (humbling).  

Last Friday I was dozing off on a terrace near my house. I had a strong expresso shot in my hand and had not taken it yet. I was sitting on a terrace in a new area in the city. I was very unintentionally falling in and out of sleep because I was tired from my week (not smart- I am aware). These two girls very abruptly approached me with an overly concerning stare. I was 100% startled, and they knew that. Fast forward twenty minutes, I learned their life stories from my broken Spanish. They are both fourteen-year-old girls, who are homeless and live in the park, who moved here alone from Algeria LAST YEAR. I was sitting there consumed in my homework, my thoughts about life plans and honestly nothing too important. From the conversation, I learned that the only things keeping them happy, and content were attempting to learn English and playing soccer. The highlight of their MONTH was talking to someone other than one another. WOW. This all was a turning point for me in my experience in Barcelona. I know that this individual coffee spot, will forever be engrained in my mind.  

What is the most perspective shifting coffee date you have had? 

XOXO- Holly 

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